31 March 2022

“Scientist, dissident, human rights activist”

The exhibition has been seen by tens of thousands of people live, while hundreds of thousands of people were able to see it online. European Parliament Multimedia Centre (europa.eu)
31 December 2021

The Financial Times publishes interview with Marina Sakharov-Liberman and Tatiana Bonner Yankelevich

The Financial Times publishes Simon Kuper’s interview with Marina Sakharov-​Liberman and Tatiana Bonner Yankelevich.
15 December 2021

The award-winning film “Sakharov Case” premiered on 21 May 2021 on the Channel One of the Russian TV

Centennial documentary “The Sakharov Case” (Russian with the English subtitles) Director: Elena Yakovich The ASF supported the production of this film. The award-​winning film “Sakharov Case” premiered on 21 May 2021 on the Channel One ...
15 December 2021

This year’s recipient of Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is Alexey Navalny

The Prize is awarded since 1988 by the European Parliament. It “endeavors to embody Sakharov’s extraordinary work and carry his message forward to future generations.”
12 October 2021

The ASF receives a unique bronze portrait of Andrei Sakharov

 Today, Marina Sakharov-​Liberman met with a Scottish sculptor Colin Campbell and his wife Ann in Newcastle-​upon-​Tyne. This was a culmination of a long search for the sculptor, which took years and ended up ...
25 May 2021

Sakharov monument is unveiled at the Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute (MEPI), Moscow

 A new statue of Andrei Sakharov was opened today at the Alley of Nobel Laureates on the campus of MEPI, Moscow.  Guests of the ceremony included academician Radii Ilkayev, Edward Lozansky, and ...
24 May 2021

Commissioner for human rights delivered a speech as a tribute to Andrei Sakharov

At the European Parliament, Commissioner for human rights delivered a speech as a tribute to Andrei Sakharov.
24 May 2021

The international conference “Alarm and Hope in the 21st century”

Organized by the Sakharov Centre in Moscow, the conference’s honorary organizing committee included Nobel laureate and former President Mikhail Gorbachev, the seventh president of Ireland Mary Robinson, Sir Martin Rees, ...
21 May 2021

A monument to Sakharov is unveiled in Sarov, Russia

 A new statue of Sakharov was unveiled on the 21st of May 2021 in Sarov. Sakharov worked in the nuclear town of Sarov, known as Arzamas-​16, from 1950 till 1969.  Guests of the ...
21 May 2021

The Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonics’ international arts festival dedicated to Andrei Sakharov

In accordance with their long-​established tradition, the Nizhny Novgorod Philharmonics held a two-​week 16th arts festival, in honor of Andrei Sakharov’s 100th birthday.
21 May 2021

The International Moscow House of Music’s concert in honor of Andrei Sakharov, 21st of May 2021

Maestro Vladimir Spivakov and his orchestra held a gala concert at the Moscow House of Music on the 21st of May 2021. “This concert is our offering and our tribute to ...
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