Concert in honor of Andrei Sakharov at Carnegie Hall, 21 May 2023

21 May 2023
Carnegie Hall

The Carnegie Hall published their new season program, which includes a concert organized by the ASF in honor of Andrei Sakharov.

“An astonishing lineup of internationally renowned musicians comes together to celebrate the centenary of Andrei Sakharov — physicist, humanist, and Nobel Peace Prize winner for championing universal human rights, disarmament, and peace, in whose name the European Union established the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought.”

The ASF is immeasurably grateful to our amazing artists for their generosity:

Gidon Kremer, Violin
Maxim Vengerov, Violin
Steven Isserlis, Cello
Evgeny Kissin, Piano
Lera Auerbach, Piano
Emerson String Quartet

– Eugene Drucker, Violin
– Philip Setzer, Violin
– Lawrence Dutton, Viola
– Paul Watkins, Cello

We are also very thankful to Sir Clive Gillinson, Ms Ann Weber and the entire team at Carnegie Hall for their outstanding professionalism and great support they’ve given us.

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